Please contact us at 713-203-4106 to be sure that we are actually meeting because sometimes we visit other congregations. Please check out our Facebook Page because we are broadcasting our messages live for those who can't attend in person.
We are brethren dedicated to keeping the Commandments of God and having the faith of Jesus Christ! We also keep the High Sabbaths, or Annual Feast Days established by God through Jesus Christ, whom we recognize to be the YHVH (Yahweh) of the Old Testament--the one who was thought to be God by practitioners of the Hebrew religion.
Remembering Christ's last meal as a mortal man is a time of reflection yet joy as we review our need for Christ's sacrifice.
A potluck after a recent combined meeting!
Many brought various foods to enhance the fun!
Brethren from several groups came together for the meeting.
Brethren and ministers fellowship as family!
We reviewed the past and future needs of the Kenyan children.
The children in Kenya have a great spokesman in Mr.Onsando!
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